Sunday, 24 July 2011

the begining of the end.

nothing but..   DRAMA, DRAMA, DRAMA, DRAMA.

How dare you put someone else down, when you should really deal with your own "freaky spastic" issues. You just make me laugh, of how pathetic you are to have no guts to say all of your nasty word vomit, to our faces. Clearly you have made no effort, therefore there is no need for anyone else to waste their time. It's a little bit like a doctor Seuss book, we don't act like friends, we don't like each others attitudes, we don't hang out or make plans---doesn't look like a friend, doesn't act like a friend, I'm guessing we aren't friends, and never really were. You hurt my best friend, and you hurt me. Word of advice, don't assume that people cannot do things with you, when you haven't even made the effort to ask. Everyone is busy, don't use that as your excuse for not being a friend, I have seen her, why haven't you. Leave her alone, and stop harassing her with long unnecessary messages. That apology she mistakenly gave you, I take it back for her. I know that not everyone can get along all the time, but it's kind of funny how you are the one that always seems to open your mouths and complain. Who's whiny ? There is so much I've wanted to say to you, (but I haven't) since you have done everything in your power to make me out as the bad guy. Go have a sexy lesbian fest together !
Now, grow up, eat your words and swallow your drama.

I'll never forget you, I promise, fly with the angels Grandma.

Good things come to those who wait, the power of positive thinking, thank you. I got myself the full-time job at Hopcotts. It's going to take some time getting used to it, and getting the hang of things. I am now making money, and I have some time to think about what I want to do with my life and who I want to be. I am planning to move out at the end of August. Dene, I know one day soon, I will be able to truly say that I love you, but until then, I ruv you is perfect. I want to spend forever with you. I'm trying my best to let my walls down for you. I honestly believe you won't hurt me, but there is the pain from before still in my heart. I can hardly wait until it's gone. I look forward to sleeping in your arms tonight, and always. 

Being told you're beautiful and sexy really does make you feel like it, even more so, if you know it's true. I am filled with so much happiness knowing that someone cares about me and makes me feel so amazing. I was told that someone could tell how happy I was now, I got a feeling I always want to feel. Only one bad minor thing happened to me, my tongue ring had to be taken out since it was done wrong like all my other piercings. To top things off, I got a yeast infection in my mouth because of it. Two weeks it'll be back, and unfortunately so will the pain, AGAIN. 
What can I say, you live and learn. 

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